FCC in a nutshell

Charitable Objects

  • To promote education, training quality and standards in care, health and education (and allied disciplines).


  • All those in receipt of care, i.e. all of us at various points throughout our lives.


  • A functioning, fit-for-purpose health and care system.


  • To address the question of what a functioning, fit-for-purpose health and care system should look like and how we get there.


  • Facilitating lasting beneficial change by building a movement through collaboration, influence, thought leadership, and constructive debate
    • Bringing together all constituents (e.g. policymakers, practitioners, innovators, investors, carers, the cared-for, public, other interested parties) in pursuit of our Mission and Vision.


  • From the perspective of our Beneficiaries
    • Story-telling: human; emotive; plain-language; lived-experience.



  1. Outlook – Maintain an evolving, informed view of FCC’s Vision and current State of the Nation.
  2. Leadership – Articulate and publicise, in FCC’s Voice, our Outlook in order to lead and align relevant constituents in progressing our Mission.
  3. Impact – Identify and address key fundamental questions, which inform FCC’s Vision and view of the current State of the Nation.
  4. Commercialisation – Develop revenue-generating opportunities to monetise the value of our Impact work.
  5. Investment – Reinvest profit and capital to further FCC’s Mission, Vision and Charitable Objectives.