
10 June 2020 – CogX2020: Health Stage (Day 3)

Past Event

Wednesday 10th June, 3pm

“A Conversation about the Commons: Healthcare data and commercialisation”

Data collected with the health and care setting can dramatically improve the quality of patient care through early diagnosing, better treatment and planning of care services. These improvements can often be developed in partnership with private sector organisations who use data to develop new treatments and technologies.

Prior to the COVID19 crisis, there were many different types of commercial partnerships developing in the health and care setting & experts were already expressing concerns at the time about the fairness of some of these arrangements. Since the crisis, many tech companies have lent their expertise to develop platforms and tools to help deal with the situation. However, the media have rightfully reported that some of these commercial arrangements might not lead to the long-term benefit of the healthcare system.

Data is being forked over to built tools at a rapid pace allowing companies to refine algorithms and generate unique proprietary IP with no mechanism to ensure that the public sector is remunerated for the foreground IP it is helping to generate.

Annemarie Naylor, our Director of Policy & Strategy, was one of a range of panelists bringing her expertise to what made for a lively discussion.

She was joined by:

Watch a recording of the live stream below. The session starts at 05:30:00.