
11 May 2020 – Fixing adult social care

Past Event

11th May 2020, 09.30-10.30am

This event with the Institute for Government assessed the prospects for fixing social care and provided an opportunity to discuss how the new government is doing against its promises and whether it is on track to resolve the key challenges facing adult social care.

It was a virtual event, due to the Coronavirus panademic, bringing together politicians, policy experts, and journalists discussing some of the following questions:

  • What impact will budget announcements have on social care?
  • What does the election of the new Labour leader mean for the government’s manifesto commitment to conduct cross-party talks on social care?
  • Which aspects of adult social care reform should the government prioritise?
  • How can the government build public support for reforms?

Speaker list:

  • Nick Davies (Chair) – Programme Director, IfG
  • Liz Kendall MP – Labour Member of Parliament for Leicester West & Shadow Minister for Social Care
  • Sally Warren – Director of Policy, The King’s Fund
  • Greg Allen – Chief Executive, Future Care Capital

The recorded stream is available to watch above and on IfG’s YouTube channel and a podcast was published on IfG Live.