You can register for this free event, here.
22nd June 2022, 13.30-14.30
The Health Foundation launched a programme aiming to fund exemplar projects that demonstrate how data analytics can be used to improve social care. Mencap were successful in applying for this funding and used it to build an analytics platform to help answer questions about factors associated with better quality of life.
The Personal Outcomes Scale (POS) is an internationally recognised tool for measuring quality of life of individuals with learning disabilities. Conducted using semi-structured in-person interviews, the scale consists of 48 questions ranging over eight domains: personal development, self-determination, interpersonal relations, social inclusion, rights, emotional wellbeing, physical wellbeing, and material wellbeing. The aim is to provide a mix of qualitative and quantitative information about the domains that are widely agreed to make for a good quality of life.
Mencap is the only organisation in the UK to use the POS, and they intend to have a yearly quality of life conversation with all 4,000 of the people they support once a year.
This event will provide a background to the POS and why having quality of life conversations matter, how they implement POS conversations, the technical and analytical platform that was built and an introduction to using NLP techniques for thematic analysis.
You can register for this free event, here.