
News round-up (11 December)

man looking at online news headlines
11th December 2020 about a 2 minute read

Here is a selection of some of the stories that caught our eye this week…


The Tyto Tech 500 Power List 2020

The Tyto Tech 500 Power List is the first data-driven ranking of the most influential individuals in the UK, French and German technology sectors. 

To make the list, an individual must have social media, online and offline influence. 

Spoiler alert: Health Secretary Matt Hancock comes in as UK #1 (ahead of PM Boris Johnson at #5!)

A day in the life of AI

From chatbots and digital assistants to facial recognition and biometric scanners, this infographic from the Sunday Times highlights some of the way that AI has impacted our daily lives – and how consumers feel about it. 

Welsh care home pioneers ‘game changing’ track and trace badge technology

A care home in Abergavenny is among the first in the UK to use new track and trace technology to combat the spread of COVID-19.

The Foxhunters Care Community is using the ‘PinGo’ electronic badge technology to help maintain social distancing.

The badges give real-time flashing image alerts and vibrations to staff, visitors and residents if they enter a ‘red-zone’ within two metres of another person.

Artificial Intelligence used for first time at Old Bailey by legal team in new Rikki Neave killing trial

The Evening Standard reports Artificial Intelligence was deployed to defend the suspect in a murder trial at the Old Bailey in the first known use of machine learning at the country’s top criminal court.

Autonomous balloons take flight with artificial intelligence

Nature reports that  an artificially intelligent controller can station a stratospheric balloon for weeks at a time without full knowledge of surrounding winds.

The development opens up the prospect of unsupervised environmental monitoring.

The coming war on the hidden algorithms that trap people in poverty

MIT Technology Review highlights how a growing group of lawyers are uncovering, navigating, and fighting the automated systems that deny the poor housing, jobs, and basic services