The challenges facing new Health and Care Secretary Sajid Javid have dominated the news this week.
But a range of reports have been published relevant to the sector including a survey showing a lack of digital skills in the workforce is a barrier to the digital transformation of the NHS.
A survey of 70 organisations across the NHS and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) reveals while digital transformation sits high on the healthcare agenda, staff identify considerable barriers to adopting technology.
Whilst cost is traditionally perceived as the biggest challenge in the public sector, the study indicates that concerns over cost (39 per cent) are far outweighed by a cultural resistance to new digital processes (60 per cent). It found:
People in care homes or those being cared for at home will benefit from an extra £250 million to continue to protect them from COVID-19 transmission.
Over a quarter of a billion has been given to extend adult social care coronavirus (COVID-19) support beyond June.
Made up of £142.5 million Infection Control Funding and £108.8 million for testing, the fund will help protect people in adult social care by continuing to meet the cost of rigorous infection prevention and control measures, as restrictions in wider society are eased, and supporting rapid, regular testing of staff to prevent COVID-19 transmission.
A group of leading scientists have called for the UK’s official list of COVID-19 symptoms to be expanded to ensure all cases are accounted for.
The World Health Organisation and the US government guidance list symptoms which the UK’s list does not, like a sore throat and runny nose. The government have responded that the UK’s symptom list is under constant review.
Current NHS advice states people should self-isolate and get a test if they have a high fever, a new continuous cough or a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste.
But the group of experts – including Prof Calum Semple, of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) – points out not everyone who catches Covid displays these classic symptoms.