
Select committee report calls for rethink on adult social care

31st March 2017 about a 2 minute read

The House of Commons Communities and Local Government Select Committee report on adult social care calls for major reform of social care funding and regulation. Members of the committee examined evidence on how funding affects the quantity and quality of care across the country. They also looked at the care commissioning landscape, workforce issues, the integration agenda between health and social care, and innovation.

It is concerning that fewer than one in twelve Directors of Social Care are fully confident that their local authority will be able to meet its statutory duties in 2017–18.

The report also looks at innovation in the social care sector, highlighting examples of work to enable care provision within family and community settings, which echoes our own 2030 Vision for health and care. We want people to be better-informed and assume a greater role in shaping collective wellbeing through a commitment to self-care and fellowship.

The committee goes on to say that the social care system is increasingly reliant upon unpaid carers – impacting their own work-life balance and health in the long-term.

Key report recommendations:

  • Renewed cross-party talks on adult social care to explore an alternative funding formula.
  • The Care Quality Commission should oversee the commissioning and procurement of services by local authorities.
  • Local authorities should annually audit social care services they commission and carry out more regular spot checks.
  • The committee say that the Government should work with the Local Government Association to establish a care workers’ charter. The charter would include expectations on wage levels, employment terms and conditions, and training and career development.
  • The report calls on the Government to create an innovation fund to help local authorities consider new approaches to providing social care.