25th May 2021, 16:00-17:00
At the beginning of 2021 Future Care Capital published the Care Tech Landscape Review and, at our launch event in February, we discussed the report’s findings and heard from a range of innovators developing solutions across the home care technology landscape.
At this follow-up event – Adult Social Care Technology: The Future of Home Monitoring – we will take an in-depth look at the technology enabling monitoring solutions and consider what the future holds for monitoring and how this can further improve lives and care outcomes.
Technology has great potential for keeping our loved ones safe and helping to maintain independence, and the adult social care market has a range of monitoring solutions in place for domiciliary care and residential care settings. Many of these solutions provide confirmation of a current state of well-being and are designed to be less intrusive than checking on a person. We will consider how these technologies can further develop for the future and explore the preventive potential of more integrated solutions. Crucially, we will discuss how we can go from the current state-of-the-art prediction and status verification, to a scenario where incidents are being prevented altogether. We will discuss the solutions being developed that make use of a range of advanced technologies (e.g. Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, Artificial Intelligence and wearable technology), and the barriers and opportunities for all those involved in – and impacted by – this rapidly evolving sector.
What will you discover at the webinar?
Join the webinar to hear from our expert panel and take part in the discussion through a live Q&A.
Register now by clicking here!