How Can We Dismantle Health Inequity Together?
Partnering up to combat digital exclusion: bridging the gap.
16th March 2021, 2.15pm (Day 3)
The digital health revolution prompted by COVID-19 holds many positives for many people, but also risks exacerbating health inequalities. Some face layers of digital exclusion – they cannot access digital healthcare services, nor can they access a range of other services upon which their health and wellbeing depend – food shopping, banking, benefits, employment and education chief among them. On this day, we will surface evidence of exclusion, discuss its roots, and highlight practical solutions for inclusion. Members of National Voices are doing good work moving existing services across to digital, and establishing new ones, and that many others are acutely aware of issues surrounding digital exclusion. Throughout this day, the focus will be on the power of partnership in tackling inequity, and what we as a sector can achieve through working with others.
At this session, Dr. Josefine Magnusson will be discussing Fictions – our year-long thought experiment and unique approach to broaching issues, intended to inspire debate and new thinking among practitioners and policy-makers.
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