News round-up (July 30)
Finally, after much speculation, it’s been announced that Amanda Pritchard will succeed Simon Stevens when he steps down at the end of this week. Over the border, Scotland has taken its first step towards a National Care Service, and around and about we’ve picked up insights from how to support the mental wellbeing of the workforce to encouraging budding innovators. Enjoy!
The Care Quality Commission’s new review has looked at the care and support for people with a learning disability in seven areas of England in March 2021 and included remote access to electronic patient records/management computer systems – with consent from general practices.
Among the challenges identified for systems and health and care providers were, reviewing the use of digital technology in care, ensuring that people are offered a balance of remote and face-to-face care that is individualised to meet their needs. The report said:
“Where digital technology is used, providers need to make sure that they have steps in place to protect the safety and involvement of people with a learning disability. This includes making adjustments to make sure it is accessible for everyone.”
CEO offers key advice to budding innovators
Lorin Gresser, Chief Executive Officer at Dem DX Clinical Reasoning Platform (DDxCRP), in an interview with Health Innovation Network, has three pieces of advice to budding innovators.
(The platform is used by nurses, paramedics, physician associates and other frontline clinicians to help them assess and triage undifferentiated patients at the first point of contact.)
The aims of the programme were to raise mental health awareness and understanding amongst Kingston Council’s workforce, build resilience and increase their ability to cope with day-to-day stressors, and safeguard their wellbeing.
A network of wellbeing champions was created to provide peer support and deliver wellbeing workshops throughout their organisations and communities. The evaluation results can be found here but they showed:
First steps taken to a National Care Service in Scotland
Health Secretary Humza Yousaf and Minister for Social Care Kevin Stewart have welcomed the first meeting of a Social Covenant Steering Group, set up to help guide the development of a National Care Service.
A consultation document on a National Care Service is due to be published on 9 August and the consultation will run until 18 October.
Establishing the group, made up of people with day-to-day experience of social care, was a key recommendation of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care and marks the fulfilment of one of the commitments for the first 100 days of the current government.