A new Green Plan includes a commitment to greater use of electronic communications and video conferencing in order to meet carbon reduction targets
“Climate Change is a health crisis because all our lives depend upon us living on a healthy planet. The founding principles of the NHS centred on better health care and better health outcomes for all and, as an NHS Trust, we are determined to ensure that every aspect of our organisation is geared up to building a better, brighter for our communities and the planet we all live on.” Maria Wheeler, executive director of finance, performance and improvement, Hertfordshire Partnership University
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust is to adopt a digital strategy to help it fulfil its newly-launched Green Plan.
The Green Plan, which the trust unveiled on 22 April, outlines a set of proposals to reduce carbon emissions over the next three years, which includes building on work that has already been carried out. A digital strategy published by the trust in 2019 made a commitment to carrying out remote consultations through messaging, telephone or video services.
The trust has also launched interactive care plans and records to maximise the use of resources so that patients can access the care they need promptly, as well as investing in software to reduce the volume of paperwork, and to support remote working.
The Green Plan actions include a commitment to continue using electronic communications where possible in place of paper. It also aims to instil a “remote first” policy as best practice for staff meetings and trainings, to minimise waste in areas like time and travel. It will promote further adoption of video conferencing both for patient consultations and for staff conducting training or meetings.
The trust also plans to carry out an investigation into the quantity of medicine waste within the trust, in order to assess the best ways of reducing wastage. The introduction of electronic prescribing in the trust will, the plan says, “support the reduction of medicines wastage and provide more efficient processes for ordering medicines from the dispensary.”
Maria Wheeler, executive director of finance, performance and improvement at Hertfordshire Partnership University, said: “We are playing a leading role through our Green Plan in helping create a better future for our children and our children’s children.
“Climate Change is a health crisis because all our lives depend upon us living on a healthy planet. The founding principles of the NHS centred on better health care and better health outcomes for all and, as an NHS Trust, we are determined to ensure that every aspect of our organisation is geared up to building a better, brighter for our communities and the planet we all live on.”
The Green Plan supports the NHS’s climate change targets to reduce the NHS carbon footprint (the emissions the NHS controls directly) to net zero by 2040, and to reduce the NHS carbon footprint plus (the emissions the NHS can influence) to net zero by 2040.
FCC says: “It’s good to see Hertfordshire Partnership University, along with other NHS trusts, making a firm commitment to increasing the use of digital tools such as video conferencing and electronic communications. Not only will these initiatives help the NHS meet its net zero target, they improve the health service’s efficiency and make life easier for patients who may struggle to make face-to-face appointments.” John Grumitt, acting CEO, FCC