
Technology Landscape Reviews

12th July 2021 about a 1 minute read

FCC has mapped the landscape of adult social care technology startups across England and explored the key themes for development in the sector. Technology applied to adult social care and the wider health care system is a priority for us and through the reports we published on the sector, we seek to raise the profile of technology applications and empower the highest quality care outcomes.

Four reviews have been published, covering home care, residential care, mental health and learning disabilities. A full sector analysis follows these reviews to bring our findings and recommendations together.

Why are we doing this? 

  • We believe that digital technology has significant potential for the adult social care sector. 
  • Healthcare and many other sectors have benefitted greatly from a great range of technologies, and we believe social care has some great opportunities for developers.  
  • Startups or SMEs (small to medium-sized enterprises) are key developers of innovative products, and it is important to foster an environment to help them proliferate. 

If you think your organisation should be in our map of the landscape and it currently is, or you want to get in touch us generally about the project, contact us at

There is huge potential for technology to be deployed in the social care market. Currently, we see a major disparity in the number of companies and solutions developed specifically for care compared to healthcare. Where the sector is so varied, there needs to be a much greater range of solutions to ensure the best care can be provided, enabling people to live longer, healthier lives with as much independence as possible Dr Peter Bloomfield