
Analysing local authority spend on residential social care provision for adults

17th January 2020

In our report, Data that Cares, we explored how best to assess the financial stability of residential care home markets in England and recommended improvements to market oversight in order to minimise the risk of care home failure.

Market oversight is now a statutory responsibility of local government but transparency regarding the financial affairs of providers is often lacking as our research shows. In Data that Cares, we reviewed data published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Companies House as well as local authority spend transactions to explore financial risk at the provider level. What this data doesn’t show, however, is how much commissioners (Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities; CASSRs) spend on individual residential care service packages and to what extent this varies between Local Authorities.

Dr. Magnusson’s blog is based on a Freedom of Information request sent to 152 councils with adult social services responsibilities on standard pay rates, average weekly fees and the discrepancy between different types of service packages across England.

  • Analysing Local Authority spend on residential social care provision for adults
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