Thursday 2nd September 2021, 16:00-17:00
The recognition of the importance of data for improving health and care has never been greater. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the disparity between health and social care in availability of quality data, as well as the particular challenges of collecting, sharing and linking data in the current social care system. The white paper Working together to improve health and social care for all and consequent Health and Care Bill, as well as the draft strategy Data saves lives: reshaping health and social care with data, all put greater emphasis on effective use of data within social care than have been the case to date.
The community of Practice for Social Care Analytics supported by the Health Foundation launched in December 2020 and since then has grown continuously in scope and membership. The three priority areas of the community remains to:
During the spring of 2021 we undertook a SWOT analysis of the current state of social care analytics. The analysis is underpinned by discussions with relevant stakeholders and in the community of practice forum; key issues raised at events; and relevant reports and policy documents. Community members have also commented on, and added to, the initial analysis through a consultation in the early summer. During this event, we will present the findings from this analysis and consultation and consider the implications for each of the community priority areas as well as for social care analytics more broadly. You will hear from a panel of experts in the field, who will share their thoughts and examples of successful implementation and challenges overcome.
The event will explore:
You can now register for the event, here.