
16 November 2020 – Getting Public Health Communication Right Webinar

Past Event

Effective public health communication is essential in order to protect the public during the second wave of COVID-19. Our webinar offers you an opportunity to hear unique perspectives on the current challenges, and to reflect on lessons from the start of the pandemic and the first UK-wide lockdown.

In this online event, you will hear from a world-leading pollster as well as social media and public health communication experts about what works what needs to happen next. It builds on themes from recent research undertaken by Ipsos MORI on behalf of Future Care Capital. Find out more about this study by watching our earlier webinar or downloading the Communicating Public Health reports.

Don’t miss the chance to learn lessons you can apply now and during the next coronavirus wave.

What will you discover at the webinar?

  • Reflect on lessons from earlier in the pandemic
  • Hear perspectives on the current challenges facing public health communicators
  • Explore the benefits and limitations of social media in the current context
  • Find out what pitfalls to avoid
  • Take away advice and ideas to shape your ongoing response

Don’t miss the chance to hear our speakers: